What are the ways to increase website traffic?
Every startups face this problem or tries to avoid the ultimate action of marketing their ideas or have difficulties to increase website traffic to the website or landing page. Even veteran business owners report having lost a significant of their website traffic over the past years or two and do agreed on finding better ways to increase website traffic.
We would like to disclose that this article is not the golden rule to give marketers and business owners to follow closely but will definitely helped out the startup or website with getting self-built inbound marketing traffic. What is an inbound marketing? It is one of the few online marketing ways to drive traffic to website. Below is a process flowchart made by Hubspot.
Inbound Marketing Flow (courtesy of Hubspot)
So here’s some of the ideas, we at playme HQ brainstormed out of boredom and also sometimes competition amongst ourselves.
- Start a Facebook Group to drive traffic to your website. Making a related topic group on your niche or website services will allow you to attract reliable members that needs your services or niches. These are executed nicely by toys collectors groups that will often drive traffic to their online shops or tips to get the right models direct from Japan or etc.
- Start a blog! This is a no brainer as blog is proven to be still providing good and steady flow of traffic although is considered time-consuming and with the improvement of Google’s Algorithm its even more important to generate up-to-date content. Blog can also be the used as a way to collect loyal subscribers.
- Add a link in your email signature. This is as old as the advent of emails, having a team or group of teammates to attach links back to the website is a great way to drive curious friends and readers back to the website. Here’s a 12-tips to drive traffic with email.
- Add a link in your forum signature. This is also important for those that spend time at forums a lot of the time or even are a moderator at certain community forums.
- Generate value & content on slideshare. Creating value nowadays are very competitive and sometimes people prefer slides or pesentation to reading. Slideshare, Slideserve, Slideboom and etc are some of the many sites that allow slides sharing content online. Some of these sites also offer online tool to create your very own slide.
- Try creating an infographic to share your knowledge or interesting facts that could lead to sharing. Infographic are great ways to create viral contents, just because infographics are information made beautiful.
- Writing catchy headlines to better convert your traffic to leads. (short but powerful headlines).
- Submit your blog post/landing page/promotion to Reddit. When having valuable content sharing it in the right Reddit channels can drive a great boost to your traffic.
- Submit your websites sitemap to Google Webmaster. The links that you want to be listed by Google and searched by can be better ranked by Google with the help of a sitemap.xml submitted to Google.
- Demote irrelevant Google sitelinks. Sometimes the links that are automatically generated, therefore the ones that you don’t want to show should be closed. This allows the URLS that you want to be listed up to increase the chances of showing up. Do this through Google Webmaster Tools.
- Focus on the long-tail keywords. Nowadays website focusing on single keywords are over. You have to make sure your blog post or website include all the relevant terms and phrases of your topic. How to find long-tail keywords? Check out this awesome suggestion tool as well – Keywordtool.io. See this post by Jason DeMers.
- Network with fellow bloggers in a blogging community. There are plenty of bloggin communities such as ProBlogger or CopyBlogger. It allows you to cross-promote each other’s content.
- Answering a HARO query – Help A Reporter Out is a great place to kill two birds with one stone. Answering a few questions can result in great PR, and high quality inbound links and referral traffic to your site.
- Submit your blog to StumbleUpon – It still works and is a great way to share content.
- Don’t be stingy, share links to other relevant posts. Always be generous and help out others on your blog with helpful links and other related content. These are great for SEO as well as increasing readers time on site, conversion rates and referral traffic. Who know someone else might just link back to you.
- Guest posting on related blogs and website comment sections. Guest posting may be as old as the blog but it is still effective if done right. This is nicely summed up by Jeff Goins “How Guest Posting Can Help Your Blog”
- Guest contribute on a popular site. This is what comes after being a contributor or columnist on a high popularity sites such as Forbes, Huffington Post, Mashable. Gaining access to high quality links to your blog/website and also establishing yourselves as an expert in a niche topic or such.
- Optimize your post SEO. This is a must although with Google’s algorithm update still helps out your site being URL friendly and SEO friendly. If your using WordPress, download plugins such as WordPress SEO by Yeost so that it allows you to getting the best out of every post.
- Arrange an advertising swap with your niches. Arranging an advertising swap can tap onto similar or near similar niches traffic and boost branding of both sites. Network on warriorforum for JVs.
- Share your content on social media. Although this is a popular know-how, creating awesome contents increases the chance of people actually seeing and sharing your social posts and shares. Don’t just spam people from morning to night with schedule tools and such. I recommend tweetdeck,pinterest, and facebook.
- Make sure to have the right keywords and relevant keywords in the blog title and content. Having a great content is good and all but will mean nothing if its not easy to be picked up by the average joe. Try out Google Keyword Planner and other keyword suggestion tools. Seobook Keyword suggestion.
- Spread your juice everywhere! Once your confident in having a steady stream of content and strong growing streams of traffic, spread your content everywhere! Whether it is to create a video on Vimeo, Dailymotion and Youtube (duh) or joining a foreign social network, keep your reach as wide as possible.
- Share your secrets away. Having educational contents are one thing but sharing your “what works” can really generate a huge following and allow your blog or website to really gain a loyal following.
- Using Paid Promotion & Ads. Almost free, yes paid promotion can sometimes helped out with a little boost to your website. Usually social medias’ ads are cheaper than Google’s ads and are more targeted in terms of demographics but keywords ads are still Google’s domain.
- Creating attractive infographics. The world is getting faster and online people love visuals, colours and charts. Informative, fun and easy to digest is the main strength of the infographics. Create them for free at piktochart,easel.ly, infogr.am.
- Share awesome stockphotos to fellow designers and developers. Having a blog post of high quality & highly sought after stockphotos. Follow the trend of providing Mobile stockphotos or related beautiful sceneries at the local cafes or nature for FREE! (Sometimes they will just stop by to view your content or best yet share it!)
- Interview a well-known blogger to guest star at your blog. They will likely guest star in an event of a new product launch or simply to promote their authority. This will increase your traffic as well as their own authority.
- Sharing your blog / website to Alltop. Submitting your blog post to an aggregated blog database will increase your website authority and have a better backlink from Alltop.
- Add text links to your attached images. Including a blog title or URL in your images helps out on SEO. Do a google search on your blog name and click on the images tab to see your currently related photos. (check out playmear.com/blog google search.)
- Write a proper well researched topic blog post. This is time consuming but it helps out in the long haul as it will garner more traffic over the long course of time and even might be linked by other bloggers or websites.
- Add your blog to Technorati. Many may not know this but Technorati is the largest blog directory in the world and every starting bloggers should claim their site on this directory. It helps out with a few quality backlinks than hundreds of none-quality links.
- Controversial Post. Never be afraid to write reply back post to another bloggers’ post and there is a high chances they will reply you back with another post which will likely generate buzz on both blog post.
- Write trendy post with fun contents. Having an all year round festivities in our country Malaysia. We are blessed with trendy festive to write posts about. Have a patrick day fun facts or a christmas top 5 prank video that will garner unexpected visitors.
- Share your blog post on Triberr. Meet other bloggers and have fun sharing each others content.
- Share your experiences and journey on Medium. Sharing experiences and small achievements on Medium is a great way to drive traffic back to your blog post and also to increase your exposure. (Its also a great expressive site).
- Produce a podcast and distribute it through iTunes. Audio recordings are still a great way to share thoughts and content and iTunes is a great way to share it through.
- Link bait techniques to generate higher buzz. Moz post on this is extensive on the Link Bait Techniques.
- Answer questions on Google Groups, Yahoo! Answers. Sometimes others are not as good at finding the right answers to certain questions or problems. You can be the good captain to link the relevant information and also promote a link back to your blog/website.
- Compile the “Best Blogs” post. Creating a top 10 best blogs on golfing is a great way to garner traffic from unrelated traffic and get some good different traffic once in a while.
- Remember to include social sharing buttons on your blog / websites. Adding a social sharing buttons is a great way for readers to easily share your content and posts.
- Post rehash of your best blog post on Hubpages. Chances are these sites have hundreds of thousands of audience that might find your articles interesting. (Squidoo is a part of Hubpages)
- Set up free blog to link back to your main blog. Creating related free blog to your niche with supplementary content on Blogger, Livejournal, Typepad etc. and reference back to your main blog are great ways to get higher ranked links back to your blog.
- Include the links to Bloglovin. Bloglovin helps audiences to follow their favorite blogs and ability to discover related newer sites increases your traffic sources.
- Create an About.me page. Filling up the personal details of yourselves and also definitely one of the many links are your blog / website links.
- Create free e-books on Amazon, iTunes. Creating a free ebook can be attractive as it can include your websites links and blog posts. Make sure the contents are good and valueable thus improving your authority.
Well this is the end of the post. Feel free to comment and link back to your blogs or even to share some interesting ideas so i can add on into the post! Hope our posts helped you guys out a little.
This article is picked from www.playmear.com/blog
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